It is year 2009 and space travel is nearer to become a dream come true. Meanwhile, as it's still a dream, why not build your space team with these miniature wind up tin toys. First, miniature wind up Mr Atomic Robot (Blue and Silver), Sparkling Robots (Black and Blue) and the Smoking Robots (Silver and Blue) will be your partners. Than use one of these miniature wind up tin toy Space Rocket (Yellow and Blue), or U.F.O (Yellow or Blue) to fly you into space.
Your little space team.
Miniature Wind Up Tin Toy Mr Atomic Robot
Your little space team.
Miniature Wind Up Tin Toy Mr Atomic Robot
Miniature Wind Tin Toy Silver Atomic Robot
Minaiture Wind Up Tin Toy Sparkling Robot (Black)
Minaiture Wind Up Tin Toy Sparkling Robot (Blue)
Miniature Wind Up Tin Toy Smoking Robot (Silver)
Miniature Wind Up Tin Toy Smoking Robot (Blue)
Miniature Wind Up Tin Toy Space Rocket
Miniature Wind Up Tin Toy Blue Space Rocket

Miniature Wind Up Tin Toy U.F.O (Yellow)
Miniature Wind Up Tin Toy U.F.O (Blue)
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